Monday, February 15, 2010

happy sewing

Does sewing make you happy?
Our teacher at the sewing course told us, "Sewing can get you frustrated, make you cry, drive you crazy, but it always makes you happy!"
I've been attending the course 5x now, and I can only agree to her. Concentrating on the stitch frees me from daily thoughts and the feeling of having achieved something afterwards really makes me happy.

These are what I made in the last couple of times:

First, something that may look like a pillow - in fact, it is as cushy as a pillow.

But actually it's a super-duper padded sleeve for my Macbook!

Double-layered and stuffed with 3 layers of thick padding...
I wish I had one of these during my school time - to sleep on during boring classes!

I even made a matching drawstring bag for the charger, just for fun :)

The only problem with the sewing course is that, when using not-for-sale or just-made-up-along-the-process-kind of patterns, I never have time to note everything down. The laptop sleeve is one of those made-up-along-the-process ones, so I have no idea whether I'm able to make another just like that...But my main problem is not having my own sewing machine anyway :D

The second item is a circle skirt for the wamer weather I'm badly longing for...

To my surprise, it was very easy to make, and even a beginner like me finished it in 2 hours!



  1. OMG~~ I love what you've made!! the laptop sleeve is sooooo nice~ and so is the skirt.

    yoku dekimashita ne!^0^

    I've never tried making clothes yet, mainly becos i don't have an overlocker......T_T

  2. Hey, thanks Jo! I never thought I'd make a skirt either - I wanted to make a bag but they couldn't find the pattern, so I had to change my plan :p

    What's an overlocker?

  3. i really wanna try making clothes..

    overlocker is the term in Aus, i think the term in US is Serger??

    like you know the "seal" the fraying edges? how did you do it?

    ps** i decided to use my google account to post comment cos i can actually subscribe to the comment :p

  4. Ah okay, I know what it is. I didn't use an overlocker for the skirt, I just "seal" the edges using normal and zig-zag stitch, depending on which part. I guess it's not perfect and I'll have to be careful when washing it, but my teacher said it should be okay. I mean, once upon a time, there wasn't any overlocker yet, right? XD;

    It'd be nice to have an overlocker, though.
    It'd be nice to even have a sewing machine! (T_T)

  5. I know what you mean.. I wanna make pj pants.. hehe so i'll give zigzig stitch a go!

    i don't think i'll invest in an overlocker.. not until i think i'll make a lot of clothes..>< I have a very bad habit of impulsive purchase.. but overlocker is too expensive hahaha

  6. Oooh please do! And post it when you're finished ;-) Yeah I don't think I'll invest in an overlocker, either. I think the place where I'm doing the sewing course has one, so I can always book a class just for sewing edges, if needed...(bet that I'd be too lazy for that? XD)

  7. definitely!! let see if i have time this wkend:)

  8. Aleks! this one is very cool! you made your own skirt, boy is that exciting!

  9. Thanks, flyingbutter!
    It was a great feeling of accomplishment, I must say! Now if only summer would come faster ;-)
