Monday, March 15, 2010


Last Saturday I went to lomography, at Friedrichstraße 133.
Very cool shop, definitely a must for every lomography/photography fan!

Though they sell チェキ cameras on their online shop, for some reason they don't have them in the shop. But they do have the チェキ films!

Now I really can't wait to get the camera :)


  1. that looks like a shop i want to visit!!!
    I've been wanting to buy a lomography camera..
    but i prefer digital ones.. not many around><
    digital is just easier hehehehe

    so when r u going to japan and get the camera??^^

  2. @Jo: there's one in Sydney! You definitely have to go there! But yeah, digital is easier, and that's why I haven't used my lomo for a...rather long time XD;;

    I'm going in July! 凄く楽しみしてるよ!

  3. Really there's one in Sydney?? Do you happen to know the address/location??


  4. @Jo: Yep!

    Lomography Embassy Store Sydney
    16 Elizabeth St, Paddington NSW 2010

    Ta-da! XD
    Have a lot of fun and tell me how it went!
